October 7
By Ethan Huff
Conservative media joins mainstream media in COVER-UP of Israel’s killing of Israeli citizens on October 7
A shockingly sizeable number of so-called conservative media outlets have jumped the shark as far as the Israel-Gaza conflict goes. Even though we now know that Israel killed a whole lot of its own citizens on October 7, only to then blame the carnage on Hamas, many right-wingers have chosen to be complicit in covering […]
By Ethan Huff
Jeffrey Prather warns: The Middle East war will theoretically NEVER END because Deep State players need perpetual conflict to stay in power
It is a mistake to “support Israel” in the context of the current political situation brewing in the Middle East, one of the reasons being that so-called Israel is an impostor regime that persecutes the Semitic people it displaced from their own land when it was declared back into existence in 1917 with the Balfour […]
By Ethan Huff
Evidence shows Hamas attack killed far fewer Israeli civilians than first believed: Most deaths were among Israeli military personnel, NOT civilians
The Cradle published an in-depth analysis this week looking at the variances between the claims of Israel about the October 7 Hamas attack and the evidence that largely contradicts it. Not only did Israel lie about who died during the attack – it was mostly members of the Israeli military rather than civilians – but […]
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